Bitless bridle 'Walnut. Western reins included (no Barefoot). Signs of wear see photo…
English headstall from the Barefoot company. Usual solid workmanship, good…
Selling my sidepull Shape It Soft with Physio Contour headpiece in black/grey and size…
I bought it myself on eBay classifieds and used it for a trail ride. Now it can move…
Great headpiece from barefoot 109.95€ np with reins. But here is an offer without reins
The sidepull cost 100 euros new, The reins 70 euros new. The bridle and the reins I…
Unfortunately I have to sell this noseband because it is too big for my fat guy.
Model "Syringa", size Full Including reins, has only been used a few times, condition…
Here is another Contour Physio headpiece in warmblood size. It can be used for a…
The "Shape It" nose piece matches the "Contour Physio" headpiece.
I am selling a nose piece, suitable for the Contour Physio headpiece from Barefoot.…
The headpiece described above can be used for bitless riding as well as with a bit…
New, only been on the horse once for testing. Size Full original price…
When used as a bitless bridle, the throat lash serves as an extension of the reins -…
Used Syringa headstall for bitless riding, unfortunately without reins ! The…
Hello, I am selling a beautiful dark brown sidepull. Size warmblood. Pick up in 61130…
I sell a brewed barefoot sidepull with reins. The condition is used but good. Large…
Well preserved and maintained Barefoot headstall "Syringa" incl. reins in the finish…
Almost unused. Can be used as a sidepull or with bit. Leather dark brown. The nose…
Knotted halter with three functions: It can be used as a working halter, as a bitless…
Manufacturer's description: "Best Brazilian leather, doubled and stitched, with…