❤️ Strengthen self-confidence and self-esteem with horses

48565 Steinfurt, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0676
R9 576,66
499,00 €
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❤️ Strengthen self-confidence and self-esteem with horses - Your life can be easy!

3-day course experience from 05.-07.01.2024 with horses as co-trainers and Jutta & Denise Beckmann (www.reitgeist.de) in Münsterland, NRW.

For a successful course participation you do not need any horse experience!

Who are you, what can you do, what do you want?

You always try to please everyone? Do you find it difficult to distance yourself? Do you get insecure easily? Do you always look for your own faults? You have understanding for everything and everyone, but you always find fault with yourself? Maybe you also feel that a change is imminent, but you are still unsure where the whole thing should develop?

How does it feel when we tell you that in this coaching experience with the help of horses it is possible to strengthen your self-confidence and self-assurance in just 3 days so that you can accept yourself - exactly as you are, feel your desires and potentials and come into your power? Don't you think so?
Come in and find out!

This course is optimal for you if you...
✅Want to feel relief.
✅ want to free yourself from old patterns.
✅ want to be able to stand up for yourself.
✅ finally want to do the things that fulfill you.
✅ feel like you belong and are accepted.
✅ want to make room for your abilities and potential.
✅ want to be able to say NO with a good feeling.
Want to become physically and mentally fitter, more resilient, and more efficient.

Say YES to yourself and have the courage to experience life anew.

Interaction with horses and mindful body and energy work will bring your entire system into balance. With a combination of amazing experiences, versatile exercises and restful downtime, you will gain energy, steadiness and self-confidence and learn to trust yourself and your body more mindfully. To the seller's offerlaunch
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Reitgeist - Jutta & Denise Beckmann GbRFlag DEDenise Beckmann

48565 Steinfurt, Germany directions

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