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Take saddles on commission

86836 Graben, Germany directions
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people 3
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Condition Used - Very Good
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Take saddles on commission - I am looking for good used commission saddles!

As a certified equine osteopath and saddle fitter / saddle fitter I offer in the
100 km radius around 86836 Graben / Lechfeld, in addition to the adjustment and padding, also good used saddles for my customers.
I am basically only looking for cold adjustable and saddles with fixed or replaceable gullets and wool pads.
I do not take saddles with molded panels, no air-cushion systems, no treeless saddles, no no name saddles.

I like to take good used saddles of the brands
Sommer, Velicea, Iberosattel, Kentaur, Massimo, Maxflex, Passier, Deuber, Jorge Canaves, Sattelglück....just ask.

Your saddle should not be older than 10 years, have a minimum value of 700€, be well adjustable and of course no massive damage.
And this is how it works!

You send me a request with a short description which saddle you want to sell by mail. If the saddle is suitable for mediation, I will send you the guidelines + a mediation contract.
It contains among other things
1. the data of the saddle like, model/year of construction/chamber width/seat area/support area
2. good photos in daylight, side view both sides, front with scale because of the chamber width,
rear, seat area, bridles, vertebral canal, saddle number, scratches, damages etc.
3. a short description, how often used, when last padded, on which pony/horse it was used
4. your asking price
You can either send the saddle by mail or bring it personally.

The saddles will be posted on eBay classifieds, on my homepage and/ or Facebook, or other sales platforms.
Most importantly, I take them to my customers for fittings.
On site, my customers can test the saddle after prior, narrow selection.
As a rule, a saddle sells better when the customer can test the saddle, has expert advice at his side and a saddle can be individually adapted to the horse when the purchase is completed.

Of course, EVERY saddle is tested by me before the sale.

If you are interested and have questions about the commission sale, or inquiries for your saddle, you are welcome to write to me.

I do not buy saddles and do not trade.
PayPal logo accepted.
ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way

IM SattelFlag DEInes Miller

86836 Graben, Germany directions

edit_calendar BillyRider-Seller (commercial) since 2020
Profile picture IM Sattel (Ines Miller)
5 years with us
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checklist_rtlBillyRiderAD-ID: 200440
Last update: more than six months ago
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