Top offspring from Redwhiteandblue Boon - Location: 54646 Niehl TX Redroanatfullmoon - top offspring of the successful cutting stallion Redwhiteandblue Boon. Letty is a 3.24 born Quarter Horse mare in the great color red roan. She will reach a final height of approx. 150 cm. She is correctly built, stands on a strong foundation and is already well muscled. She is healthy, 5-panel n/n and will grow up in a herd. The mare has a lovely character, is cool and curious. She is open to her environment and willing to learn new things. Letty is handled, knows the foal ABC, rides in a trailer and is well-behaved at the farrier and vet. With a top cutting/reining pedigree, she will be ideal for sport, competition and leisure. Her sire is the NCHA Futurity Champion Redwhiteandblue Boon. A Peptoboonsmal son out of a Grays Starlight daughter. Letty's dam is by Best Spook and Snap and Cody. Due to her good pedigree she is also interesting for breeding later on. Futurity/Maturity eligible. She was awarded 1a premium foal at the foal show with a score of 81.17 %.
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