Horses<br>For Sale
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Stable &<br>Pasture
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Composure Training

44536 Lünen, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0315
25,00 €
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Composure Training - The walker with the umbrella, a cyclist, garbage cans, street signs and much more: The confrontation with all these things should NOT trigger these reactions in the horse, as well as the rider: Nervousness, fear and readiness to flee. From this it can be seen that composure training makes sense at any age of horse, adapted to the respective stage of development of the animal. Whether in preparation for a composure test (GHP), the successful completion of trail tournaments, due to particular fears / nervousness, for prophylactic reasons or simply for the joy of variety in everyday life.

Although known as a flight animal, horses react differently in stressful situations. The reasons for this can be found in the individual imprinting and character of the specific animal. They range from said flight, to literally "freezing", to attacking. Such situations must be avoided, of course, which is why I gradually develop you and your animal into a more relaxed team in a coaching capacity and with appropriate training sessions.

The most important thing for the animal in this context is of course the lead animal, in our case the human being. It already perceives your stress level on the basis of parameters that are hardly recognizable/perceptible for us and adjusts its own behavior accordingly. I will support you in conveying sovereignty and composure to your animal in order to grow as a team in the face of new challenges. To find the ideal way between perseverance and relaxation, between over- and underchallenge will become our common task to maintain and further develop motivation and self-confidence of horse and rider.

(The indicated price is calculated per half hour training session plus travel) To the seller's offerlaunch

HSA PferdeverhaltenstherapieFlag DECelina Peters

44536 Lünen, Germany directions

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