Continental Equiflex 181 western saddle - On offer is a very nice and rarely ridden saddle. The offer is therefore a bargain.
Seat: 16" Size: Semi-Full-Quarter-Tree Tree no.: 46 This is a semi-full quarter Equi-Flex saddle tree with medium swing medium swing, medium to a lot of withers, a lot of shoulder freedom, medium to slightly steep shoulder. Concho distance: approx. 20 cm Total length: approx. 65 cm
Flexible saddle tree -> a blessing for every horse's back. TOP CONDITION Noble, light oiled saddle with discreet hallmarking and dark suede seat (reining saddle), decorated with silver conchos as an eye-catcher. Suitable for horses with a medium to high withers height, for short-backed narrow horse types such as Arabians, narrow/medium warmbloods, thoroughbreds, quarters, modern Haflingers.