Erreplus Adelinde 17.5 inch as good as new - Erreplus Adelinde dressage saddle for sale! It was only on the horse about 10 times! Since it does not fit ideally on the horse, it was then no longer used! It was bought in July 2024!
Here is the data from the manufacturer:
The saddle has a chamber width of 32 inches! The front knee rolls are equipped with Velcro so that each rider can choose the most suitable knee support for their needs. This model is with a deep seat. The panels are not integrated into the sweat flaps and therefore leave the front girth straps free: the rider can position them over the saddle flap or remove them from the front notches and use them in direct contact with the saddle pad and the horse's rib area to give him more freedom of movement. The saddle flaps are made entirely of doubled bull leather and ensure optimum contact and greater softness. There are two holes at the back of the saddle tree for attaching the panels; by attaching them to the outer holes, the channel between the panels is widened by one centimeter (very useful for horses with a wide and exposed spine).