Horses<br>For Sale
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Stable &<br>Pasture
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Get fit for the hunt

97350 Mainbernheim, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0110
POA - Price on Application
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Get fit for the hunt - Get fit for hunting by training your horse and rider
A hunting horse that is optimally trained for drag hunting is the basic prerequisite for being able to enjoy this sport to the full. With this in mind, the hunting horse is trained in a variety of ways.
The following points pay off:
- jumping gymnastics
- dressage gymnastics
- training in the field
- Training on different surfaces
- Training in the group
- Training on fixed obstacles
Riders who prepare their hunting horse properly are in shape themselves! The trained hunter carries us reliably over hill and dale. With his skill and trust in the rider, he ensures that the rider has a great day's hunting. This is why the hunting horse is just as important as the hunting rider. Unfortunately, many riders who would like to go hunting do not have the opportunity to get their horse used to riding in a group or to train long gallops. I could support you in this.
Hunting riders and those who want to become one are very welcome and we will be happy to carry out targeted hunting training together. Riding in a group and riding behind other horses is just a matter of practice. Most horses will get used to it with the right training. However, very few riders have the opportunity to canter long distances on good meadow paths and thus train their horse to have the necessary stamina. I am in the fortunate position of having such meadow paths at my disposal, which lead uphill and downhill and therefore also condition the horse's sure-footedness.
Come to me for a few days with your horse and together we will go on beautiful rides and get you and your horse fit for the hunt. We can also visit the first hunt together. It is always good for the horses to have their first hunt in a familiar field.
Guest boxes, accommodation and horses on loan are possible. Just give us a call and we can plan the training.
Petra Kronwitter 0171-7381286

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Kronwitter PetraFlag DE

97350 Mainbernheim, Germany directions

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