Great color changer with lots of tölt - Blika frá Lækjarhvammi Mare from 2022 Color: red dun, color changer
Pedigree - FEIF-ID: IS2022284247 Sire: Valgeir frá Reykjavík Sire: Dagfari frá Álfhólum 8.62 M: Gjóska frá Lækjarhvammi
Blika is a very tall young mare with lots of tölt, in a special color-changing jacket. She has a strong character and is not shy at all, very open to people and social in the herd. A great broodmare who can become a reliable horse partner for both breeding and demanding leisure riders.
Blika is currently still in Iceland, the import can be organized by us, so that you as a future partner of this great mare are only required to pick her up from Liege Airport (BE) and transport her to your home. Simply send us your request
===================================== Price: EUR 1.750,00, ex Iceland Location: South Iceland