Open stable - / paddock space for pony or small horse - 5 weeks ago 2 buddies of our Shetty pensioner had to go over the rainbow bridge, since then we have a place free in our open stable in Hochheim/ Massenheim.
For our Mogli, a mini shetty, a buddy should move in, who is about the same size (80cm-1,20m) and low in rank. Our Mogli is with his almost 30 years used to a calmer environment and should not be stressed uselessly in his old age.
Please no large horses!
In winter, all horses are in our stable, here we have pony boxes with directly adjacent, covered paddock. In summer, all are in the open stable on our property and come hourly on the paddock.
Included in the monthly box rent would already be the mucking (1x daily), daily fresh bedding, 2x daily hay. The farrier comes every 4-6 weeks, here the new resident could engage.
We have a beautiful surrounding area for walks or rides and a round pen on the property.
Getting to know each other is of course possible at any time
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