pulsating magnetic field therapy - magnetic field blanket for free trial
64287 Darmstadt, Germany
remove_red_eye 0410
people 3
≈R6 167,17
320,00 €
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equimag Horse Blankets, Sheets & Coolers
Used - Very Good
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pulsating magnetic field therapy - magnetic field blanket for free trial - We offer an equimag expert in the professional set (magnetic field blanket, neck piece, two gaiters, intensive rod and the proven equimag expert control unit with eight preset programs) for a four-week test. Your investment: €320 for the complete set.
In addition, a security/deposit payment of €350 is due, which will be refunded if the set is returned complete, clean and undamaged - or credited towards any purchase price.
The set is used, cleaned and disinfected. Liability for the transmission of pathogens or microbes is excluded.
What is pulsed magnetic field therapy used for? Whenever the metabolism of a horse or other animal is not functioning optimally, various types of disorders occur in the organism. Our users make use of pulsed magnetic field therapy:
* Prophylactically to maintain health * To improve rideability by loosening the muscles more quickly * Before and after an operation * To accelerate convalescence * For changes in the musculoskeletal system * For pain conditions * For allergic symptoms * For respiratory problems * For acute tendon injuries * For joint inflammation * For acute tendon injuries or joint inflammation to relieve pain and inhibit inflammation. * Swelling often goes down faster and * Healing processes can possibly be shortened.
Especially now, when the days are slowly getting shorter and the animals are entering their natural shedding period, the metabolism and immune system are under particular strain. Support with pulsed magnetic field therapy and the equimag pulse may also provide your horse with additional energy and (re-)activate its self-healing powers.
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