Horses<br>For Sale
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Riding lessons, double lunge, ground work, riding lessons

91465 Ergersheim, Germany directions
remove_red_eye 0346
35,00 €
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Riding lessons, double lunge, ground work, riding lessons - I am a trainer C - classical baroque and offer mobile lessons in the Neustadt an der Aisch, Ansbach and Fürth area as well as lessons on my own horse at a facility available to me in Bad Windsheim or Markt Nordheim (unfortunately there are no school horses available at the moment).

My range of services includes

- Classical work in hand and on long reins,
- classical dressage according to baroque or Viennese school principles
- Working Equitation (work on trail obstacles).
- Double lunge
I also offer gymnastic training on the cavesson and work with young horses.
- Riding of correction and "problem" horses - I have a spacious facility with numerous possibilities for the training and further education of horses.
(Duration of riding min. 3 months, box with paddock and paddock access)

About me:
Having been involved with horses since my early childhood and having received lessons in rural riding schools from the age of 6, I realized at some point that I was getting nowhere with conventional lessons because I simply didn't understand what I was supposed to be doing.
So about 10 years ago, I turned to the classical (baroque) riding style and started looking for ways to learn to ride the RIGHT way - looking for lessons (at the end) that explained to ME in detail exactly what I needed to do as a rider. And I pass this knowledge on to my students today. Because "give him a parade" or "tiptoe inside" are NOT instructions that will help a rider and his horse.

I provide you with customized pictures and step-by-step instructions, background knowledge about bits, aids and how your seat works, as well as information on HOW and WHY an aid or piece of equipment works.

As riders and horse people, we have a responsibility - indeed a duty - to deal with the theory and nature of our partners and to ride and move them in such a way that they remain healthy into old age and have just as much joy and fun as we do with what is simply the most beautiful hobby in the world.

So if YOU want to ride your horse the RIGHT way, then you've come to the right place.

I have been involved in working equitation for over eight years and regularly take lessons from instructors such as Mitja Hinzpeter, Rolf Janzen, Katja Lauer and Manolo Oliva.
In addition, I have been training regularly for more than ten years with classical trainers such as Desmond O'Brien, Claudia Weiser, Ruth Giffels and Richard Hinrichs.
PayPal logo accepted.
ecoI avoid plastic as much as possible when shipping my items and prefer to ship in a climate-friendly way

Christiane Jenny MüllerFlag DE

91465 Ergersheim, Germany directions

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