Horses<br>For Sale
For Sale
Stable &<br>Pasture
Stable &

The horse broker

85395 Bayern - Attenkirchen, Germany directions
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people 3
R2 749,38
139,00 €
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WOW Pferd Other

The horse broker - Our service from WOW Horse:
The horse broker

You have been thinking about selling your horse for a long time? But you can not do it yourself?

There are many reasons for the decision to sell.
In most cases, man and horse do not find each other even after years. Often personal or professional reasons force you to make this decision. To part from your horse is nerve-racking in any case, no matter if you look at the temporal or the emotional aspect.

Let us advise you!
Our focus is on quality Baroque horses & special breeds for leisure and competition, but we are also happy to take on the marketing of other horse breeds. We attach great importance to high-quality pictures, as well as an honest description of your horse - because:

There is no second chance for the first impression!!!

We give you a realistic price estimation and take over the marketing regionally, supra-regionally up to the international level on most diverse platforms incl. answering of the inquiries.
From the multitude of interested parties we filter out only those who harmonize best with your horse.

Our top priority is to find the perfect final place for your horse. ❤️

If you are still looking for your dream horse:
Through our worldwide contacts, it is possible for us to help you find that ONE SPECIAL HORSE.

For more information please visit:

Gladly also by telephone under:
Lisa Gosch 0151 - 152 273 20
or by email to
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WOW PferdFlag DE

85395 Bayern - Attenkirchen, Germany directions

mood Satisfaction: Excellent
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edit_calendar BillyRider-Seller (commercial) since 2021
Profile picture WOW Pferd (WOW Pferd )
4 years with us
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